Marvel Champions: The Card Game - The Mad Titan's Shadow" is an expansion that brings the iconic Marvel villain Thanos and his Black Order into the fray. Players team up as Marvel heroes to thwart Thanos' cosmic plans across a series of challenging scenarios. This expansion introduces new heroes like Adam Warlock and Spectrum, each with unique abilities and strategies. The new villains, including Proxima Midnight and Ebony Maw, offer formidable challenges that test players' teamwork and strategy. With new modular encounter sets, the gameplay is highly replayable, allowing for different experiences each time. "The Mad Titan's Shadow" also includes powerful new cards for existing heroes, enabling new deck-building options and enhancing the Marvel Champions experience. Ideal for fans of the Marvel universe, this expansion adds depth, excitement, and epic confrontations, making it a must-have for both new and veteran players of the cooperative living card game.
Requires Marvel Champions Core set to play
UPC | 841333113162 |